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May 14, 20243 min read
The beauty of a messy first draft can help you live a better life
Practice makes perfect... I've found that with writing, like with many other things, it helps to create a habit and then stick to it, no...

Apr 15, 20242 min read
As long as you live, it’s never too late
After a couple of challenging months, I am finally back in the saddle. People seek me out for my skillset, not just the coaching. Instead...

Mar 15, 20244 min read
Rebellious thought: rest is not earned
I had a really interesting coaching call a few weeks ago. The thinker had booked the session because they were feeling overwhelmed. It...

Feb 15, 20243 min read
I ran a workshop on setting healthy boundaries earlier this month and while I was preparing for it, I noticed how difficult I still find...

Jan 15, 20242 min read
Bucket lists, anyone?
In my last post, I made the case for not having New Year’s resolutions, now I am coming for you, bucket lists. Joking. I have no beef...

Dec 15, 20232 min read
Death to New Year’s resolutions
This is the time of year when people ask me about my New Year’s resolutions. Which is always a delight because… drum roll… I don’t have...

Nov 15, 20233 min read
What’s in my toolkit (part 2)
Last month, I wrote about the changes I made to my environment in order to feel more relaxed and manage my anxiety. In this post, I’ll be...

Oct 14, 20233 min read
What’s in my toolkit (part 1)
In the next two posts, I am going to share a few things that are helping me stay calm and manage my anxiety. Most of them are fairly...

Sep 14, 20232 min read
Making time-travel work for you
Bear with me on this one It’s not about transporting your body to the year 2070. It’s about adopting an outlook that takes the future...

Aug 14, 20233 min read
Some rather annoying truths
I can do hard things Physically hard things like challenging workouts or longish shuffles through the park. Mentally hard things like...

Jul 14, 20233 min read
Passion, purpose and other pressures
As mentioned before, one side effect of my burnout was that my light truly went out and I did not feel particularly interested in...

Jun 14, 20234 min read
How I dug myself out of a hole in 9 steps
In the last post, I talked about my journey towards better health, a path built on overcoming procrastination, building good habits, and...

May 15, 20233 min read
The one where Steph works out and then everything works out
One of the most frustrating things about my burnout was that I did not feel motivated to do anything much once I’d come off the hamster...

Apr 28, 20233 min read
The one word that changed my whole outlook
Both as a teacher and a team lead, I spent a lot of time helping other people develop a growth mindset - but I always struggled to walk...

Apr 13, 20233 min read
5 Signs You’re Ready for Coaching
Is there ever a right time for working with a coach? We often wait until things get nearly unbearable before we feel that we can justify...

Mar 29, 20232 min read
Hi, I’m Steph and I am a recovering people pleaser.
It took me three decades and a burnout to acknowledge that I had a problem. Plus a combination of therapy and coaching to tackle it. Not...
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